I’m curled up on the sofa in comfy pants and a jumper, watching the trees outside the window wave in the wind. I can’t help smiling when I notice they’re getting greener by the minute. The air has definitely smelt more spring-like the last couple of days and I’ve really enjoyed getting out and about – even if it has meant returning home windswept and tired two days in a row…

Yesterday was spent catching up with a friend in a lovely little town called Burnham-on-Crouch. We went for a windy walk along the river front, had the scrummist chicken balti pies and then after nearly blowing away, retreated back to hers for tea and cake. Today I explored the National Trust’s Wimpole Estate with my Auntie. We also nearly blew away, but my Auntie had a spare hair scrunchie for me, we had a great day exploring and the sun did come out just long enough for us to enjoy a late lunch in the gardens.

It’s been a good week. I’ve felt motivated at work and got cracking on some important bits and pieces. I’ve found time to read and even to sit at my piano… I know I’m feeling happy when I feel like being creative.

I’ve started planning out some extra posts for the blog – thank you to those of you who helped with suggestions for my upcoming post on making a house a home. It’s really coming together and I’m excited to share my top tips along with some photos of cute little corners of our home which make me smile. Watch this space.

This coming week it feels like it’ll be important to factor in rest. Our bank holiday weekend last week was a busy one and this one’s also been packed full and whilst I’m so grateful for family and friends and longer days and lovely plans, I’m very wary of burning out. I’m well aware that I’m guilty of pushing through and forgetting to take a moment. A lot of the time I’ll blindly go about life without even realising I’m tiring and then out of nowhere I’ll collapse in an overwhelmed heap. Rest is key. And with that in mind, I’m going to hit post, refill my water and pop something comforting on the TV – perhaps Stacey Solomon ‘Sort Your Life Out’ because it comes highly recommended by a friend who knows me very well.

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